Singer-Songwriter Q&A

Photo credit: Jack Hollingsworth
Welcome to a special edition of Behind the Strings Singer-Songwriter Q&A's.
This week we have a special treat. David Wilcox was nice enough to record a video of himself answering my questions. The video is a little over 30 minutes long and is very entertaining. I have provided links at the bottom of this page to most of the gear and people he mentions in the Q&A. Enjoy!
(I recently learned that David had a mountain biking accident and injured his shoulder. He will most likely be out of commission for another few weeks, so please send him your positive thoughts of healing!)

Photo credit: Stuart Dahne

Photo credit: Lynne Harty

Photo credit: Lynne Harty
David's Website
David's Online Store
David's Tour Schedule
David's Custom Songs

Photo credit: Doug Seymour
Gear mentioned by David.
People and places mentioned by David.
Joe Glaser - luthier in Nashville, TN
Randy Hughes - luthier Fairview, NC
Alice Howe - Singer-songwriter - David mentions playing Joni Mitchell songs with her.
David Wilcox - Canadian singer-songwriter - first concert David paid to see.
Madison Cunningham - Singer-songwriter - last concert David paid to see.
Musician's Workshop - David's favorite local music shop, located in Asheville, NC.
Special thanks go out to David's manager, Stephen Cohen, for all of his help in coordinating David's answers.